Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Beans Porridge - Stew Style

Beans Porridge Stew Style

If for any reason, you want to do without Palm Oil in your Beans, or you do not have access to reasonble quantity when you are abroad. Then you must try this my version of Beans because it lends itself effortlessly to rice dishes, bread, yam and pasta unlike the acquired taste of the palm oil based variety. Enjoy!


3 cups Beans (Black eye, brown)
3 cooking spooonfuls Vegetable Oil
11/2 vey large sized Onions
1-2 small sized red hot peppers
2 tablespoonful crayfish, ground
Beef or chicken stock
Seasonong cube


De-hull, clean and wash beans (for Black eye variety, you may want to presoak over night in equal amount of water to cut cooking time). Shred and chop onions up finely, set aside. Grind peppers, set aside.

Cooking method

Boil beans in water at slightly higher level than the beans. Place 1/4 of the onions and cover (do not add salt at this stage)

Check intermitently for liquid levels and top up as needed. Now you need to keep repeating this process as the beans cooks to a very dark chocolate colour, never stirring so beans will reatin its individual shape, not mashed up.

Once the clour has changed considerably (If not certain repeat the top up at least once) and the liquid levels is at near bottom of the pot, set aside.

In a pan, fry up the rest of the onions in the oil. Add salt whil stirring occassionally, the trick here is to fry until the onions really caramelizes, but careful do not over burn! (the slightly burnt taste adds a smoky flavour to the beans!)

Add your crayfish and peppers, fry slightly. Add stock, simmer for a while before turning into the beans.

Add seasoning cube and salt to taste.

Cover simmer and set down when most of the liquid has dried up.

Ready to eat!

1 comment:

Onada - Fashion and Photography said...

Yet another recipie I LOVE YOU!! keep them coming pls.